I landed some pick-up work sub contracting a web site build. Should keep me going until X-mas and is worth…well. X-mas is covered, put it that way, and the credit card can take a week off. I also heard that a couple cheques are in the mail, from people I believe actually mailed them. I’m covering quality control at my day job, passing expert opinion on other peoples performance. For a Brit, there are few things more satisfying than making sure people do things your way… I must be doing something right.
On top of all that, the edible Nikki and I are pencilled in for a trip to Ottawa in November. Parliament, museums, riverside cafes. Touristy things. A Fall road trip with a camera and video. Good company and great times, and TigerDirect on the way home: Geek paradise. I’m neither a pessimist or an optimist. I believe the world has a way of balancing things out and right now, everything that could be good is good. My glass is neither half full nor half empty. It’s brimming over. A valuable lesson here: It won’t last. Nothing ever does. I’m going to enjoy this to the full while it does. Seize the fish.