I also liked supervising the bungee run, though my head and butt would disagree. So would my scraped back and elbows, whiplash neck and banged up knees. The further you go, the faster you snap back. Ouch.
Between photographing the runners and laughing my man-boobs off, I encouraged people to jump on and have fun by demonstrating it myself. Think Karaoke, right? So as well as making sure people strap into their harnesses properly and have no sharp objects on them, you run the gauntlet yourself. This demonstrates how much fun it is (and it really is). After a couple hours, though, it can start to hurt! 🙂
Anyhoo, the highlight of this particular event was the guy that informed me I was wearing my padded helmet the wrong way around. It should, he informed me to the great amusement of his laughing buddies, cover my face and cheeks, I should see a ‘T’ when wearing it. Not a big hole where my face was, because that would hurt if someone punched me. Instead of punching HIM, I agreed and laughed along. I checked his harness, and we raced. ran forward then flew backward, which is, after all, the main point of this exercise.
My friends’ correctly positioned helmet protected his face and cheeks from a punch exceedingly well. However. Bungee runs pull you back. Very, very fast. The gentleman in question had the good grace to agree with me that wearing padding at the back of your head makes much more sense under these circumstances. We smiled, shook hands and he went away clutching his head, much to my amusement and that of his buddies and the assembled crowd.
I might wear a padded helmet, but I’m no idiot.