Carl in the Cuillin foothillsThe edible Nikki and I have friends, Mike and Melinda. Melinda has a particular dream. She wants to visit Scotland. I know the area reasonably well and can guarantee a most enjoyable holiday experience. We talked over maybe making up a four to go there and check the place out. THAT would be awesome, I really want to show Nikki the old country and Mike and Melinda would be fantastic companions. For now, I just wanted to show how beautiful the place is, so here is a bad photo of me, scaling the foothills of the Cuillin mountains on the Isle of Skye, in a previous life. That’s a story that would take a book, so just enjoy the photo.
This shot was taken just below the peak of the location used in the film Highlander: the shots where the helicopter circles the peak as the Highlander finishes his training and gets struck by lightning. The Scottish Board of Tourism actually keep plastic swords on this peak, for any intrepid tourist to get his buddy to take a photo. All you got to do is climb. The actors were air-lifted up there.
Skye is a beautiful, evocative and mysterious island. I enjoyed my brief time there, an extended weekend on a mission of mercy. That’s all I’m going to say on the subject, except “Thank you”.
3 Replies to “One for Melinda”
Of course I googled Cuillin mountains…I’ve added it to my ‘to do’ list when I go to Scotland. Are we going to hear the story of how you came to Isle of Skye?
Looking forward to our trip ….. you’ve put it out to the universe so now it’s a definite.
Isle of Skye story requires significant input of Scotch.
Is not a pretty story, or a story of great interest to those without a soul. However, it is a story of friendship, love, family, 600 mile round trips and as Douglas Adams would confirm, extraordinarily long lunch breaks.
Of course I googled Cuillin mountains…I’ve added it to my ‘to do’ list when I go to Scotland. Are we going to hear the story of how you came to Isle of Skye?
Looking forward to our trip ….. you’ve put it out to the universe so now it’s a definite.
I guess that any dining you did there would’ve been a Cuillinary Experience…..
Sorry about that…. I just couldn’t resist it……
Isle of Skye story requires significant input of Scotch.
Is not a pretty story, or a story of great interest to those without a soul. However, it is a story of friendship, love, family, 600 mile round trips and as Douglas Adams would confirm, extraordinarily long lunch breaks.