3D Goodness For My Desk!

I was just handed a coaster for my cups. Doesn’t sound exciting, right? But this coaster is special. I made it. Well, I made the 3D template the 3D printer used to make it.

It’s a single face of the design we call Rubik, a 3D cube I created in Photoshop to advertise our New York medical software division. Rubik has popped up in print, excelled on e-mail campaigns, vroomed animatedly on video and stood proud on 10′ by 10′ stands at trade shows.

I have flipped open her lid so I could put things inside her, including a jack-in-the-box. We put lights inside her like a pumpkin and I even took out a wall so I could park a car inside her. As you can see, she is very versatile. She is the face of our Google Plus page.

And now, she’s sitting on my desk holding my cup. I think that’s pretty durn cool.
