Typing away here and the old Beach Boys song came on the radio. Reminded me of when I was 16 and went to a party. The two girls hosting it were non-identical twins. Both incredibly hot but my favourite (yep, U) was Karen. Divorced dad was away for the evening so as you expect, all the teens gathered at their house. Lots of beer later, we all got asked to leave before the dad returned. Me being so polite, I headed off down the driveway until I realised I was alone. My buddies were lining up to kiss the girls goodnight. Naturally, I did a military style about face (approximately 1440 degrees) and headed back.
By the time I got to the door I was passing my buddies in the driveway. But I was on a mission! I kept walking. My timing was imperfect. I reached the door in time for it to be closed in my face by the laughing girls. Ha! As if that would stop me! The door was plate glass. I walked straight into and through it. With a huge crunch I found myself in the kitchen demanding a kiss from each of the twins. Oh dear.
There was much yelling and threatening of life and naturally the imminent return of the father did not help. Suffice to say, I got my kiss from both of them before I left, punching the air and to cheers from my waiting buddies. I walked home on air that night. And returned the next day to apologise to the father and take the hit for the broken door.
I’m sighing with relief….finally the blog is real *wipes tear* I’m so proud of you.
Carry on…
Ah, but can I keep it up? Let’s not go there…thank you for your kind comments. I shall endeavour to maintain my approval ratings 🙂
Just wanted to say your Blog is in my rss you do magic on words.. Cheers,