I provide IT tech support for an unnamed Fortune 500 company. Don’t ask who, I won’t say. If you know me then you already know and if you don’t it doesn’t matter. More important are confidentiality and professionalism and all that good stuff, plus weird as it may seem I kinda like working there: I can only comment obliquely about work matters. I’m going to showcase actual events in here under the “Today at work” heading as they arrive, with the above considerations. Irregularly, but frequently, every one the honest truth so help me Santa. Just to vent and highlight the often ridiculous. It may get a little geeky so if you see the above tag line you can choose to skip it. Or not, if you’re a geek too.
Sample one:
Client: This go$^%mm mother*$&ki#g sonofabi*@ is a total piece of shit! Why the hell did I buy it?
Me: I have no idea sir, and by the way, Good morning.